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Genealogy is Alive and Well in the Sacramento Region!
Please check out the various genealogy groups listed on the left column of this webpage. Click on the Genealogy Group name to find out what is happening in their location. The Group name opens a link to an actual webpage for that group. Below the Society's name is the word Calendar. Click on that word to see a listing of some of the the Society's activities.
Some groups have posted a monthly newsletter with helpful research hints and some groups are conducting meeting and events using video conference services with free live webinars – some are open to the public and other are for members only. Check out the various events: speakers, discussion groups, workshops and special interest groups.
California State Archives - The Archives' Research Room is open to the public. Please contact for additional information, questions, or assistance.
Location: 1020 O Street, Sacramento
Hours: M-F 9:30 am - 4:00 pm, except state holidays
The Root Cellar Library, which is housed at the California State Archives building is open the same hours as the Archives.
The Sacramento Regional FamilySearch Center is a helpful place. Volunteers are available to answer genealogy research questions and assist visitors in determining the next step in their genealogy search. The "in-library" portal allows on-site visitors free access to their premium websites. They have new technology to scan pictures, slides, and documents into a digitial format. Bring a flashdrive with you.
Location: 2745 Eastern Ave., Sacramento
M, W, F 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tues/Thurs 10:00 am - 8:00 pm