Sacramento Regional Genealogical Council Logo
Sacramento Regional Genealogical Council
As a service to the genealogical and historical organizations in the northern California area, the Council compiles a list of speakers willing to speak to the organizations. A project of this nature cannot be done without the cooperation of the organizations and speakers involved. As you examine this year’s directory, you will find new “faces” and exciting new and continuing speaker topics.
About the Speakers Directory
The Council is pleased to offer this directory to the genealogical and historical community. It is hoped that it will give valuable assistance to program chairs and society leaders of new and established societies.
Requirements and expectations of societies vary. For this reason, a speaker that is ideal for one society may be only acceptable for another. Therefore, it is advisable to discuss the topic in detail with the speaker before engaging him/her for your event.
SRGC Officers
President: Mary Sayles
Vice President: Lisa Henderson
Secretary: Cyndi Davis
Treasurer: Mary Ann Marshall
Co-Webmasters: Michael Dickey & Mary Sayles
Tech Support: Richard Hanson
Please note: Permission to use the contents of this directory is limited for the purposes stated above. The information is not to be provided for personal or business purposes. The directory is under copyright laws.