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Wednesday, August 14
SolanoCGS - Google Tools  (Discussion Group)
10:00 am
ZOOM Presentation
Solano County Genealogical Society’s August 14, 2024 Discussion Group Topic is “Google Tools”.
Google is more than a search engine and no researcher should overlook the many tools available for free that will be of use as they pursue their ancestors.

This roundtable discussion group will be a chance to learn about the tools available and hear how participants have used these Google tools in their research.
Few of us think of YouTube as a Google tool and it is! YouTube is the best and quickest way to answer many of our questions as we work.

Google Translate, Google Books, Google Scholar, Google Earth, Maps Google Images are among the additional tools available.

Discussions are informal groups gathered to exchange of learn new ideas about each topic. Our society’s members will receive a Zoom invite via email.
They can also find the most current Zoom Invitation Link in the Members Only menu section.

Guests are welcome. Non-members should send an email request to no later than 4:00 p.m. the day prior to the event.
Discussions are informal groups gathered to exchange or learn new ideas about each topic.
Please join our roundtable discussion to also share your ideas and experiences.
Hopefully your questions will be answered by our participants.
Our Solano County Genealogy Society members will receive a Zoom invite via email. They can also find the most current Zoom Invitation Link in the Members Only menu section.
Guests are welcome. Non-members should send an email request to  no later than 4 pm the day prior to the event.