Sacramento Regional Genealogical Council Logo
Sacramento Regional Genealogical Council


SRGCouncil / SRGC membership is open to all nonprofit and government organizations that support the hobby of genealogy. The membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. SRGC uses an annual membership system which means all memberships expirre on December 31. Each member organization can designate 1 to 10 individuals to service as delegates. Each delegate will be able to do the following:
  • Speak for the organization at meetings.
  • Cast a vote on behalf of that person's organization. But each organization can only cast a total of one vote.
  • Be provided with an individual log-in name and password allowing access to the members-only area of the website.
Benefits of Membership
  • Ability to post two organization events on SRGCouncil's  Calendar to share events with others.
  • Access to the members-only content of the website.
  • Provided with a website page that includes a link the the organization's webiste or its contact information. Optional ability to post additional information.
  • Receive meeting and event notifications.
How to Join SRGC
 Fill out and return the membership form.
In the past, the annual dues were $25, but dues requirement has been suspended.  At the present time, membershp is free. Once your membership is processed, you will receive an emailed welcome letter.