Monday – Session 2B

1:00 pm - 1:45 pm
Writing and Publishing Your Family History
Presented by Rick Hanson

This presentation provides an overview of the entire publishing effort – types of publications, why bother, writing, content, copyright, ISBNs, classification systems, other registrations, printing, binding and revisions.
Session Handout:  Click here.

About Rick Hanson:
Richard Hanson was a career computer programmer/analyst, now retired. He has been working with other family members on genealogy off and on since 1983. He authored and self-published seven books (working on the eighth). He created a database of almost 4,000 scanned family photos and source documents. He is webmaster for the USGenWeb - Sierra County (CA) website. He’s an active volunteer in several local genealogical societies and the International German Genealogy Partnership.