Monday – Session 1F

11:00 am - 11:45 am
San Francisco's Silent Suburb Tops 1.5 Million Souls!
Presented by Carl Olson
The history of the City of Colma's cemeteries and discussion of how cemetery information can help YOUR ancestry journey and research. 
Session Handout:  None.
About Carl Olson:
Carl was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay area, bordering Colma.Visiting family grave sites in the city of Colma are among my earliest memories in the 1960s.Living family members made time for graveside visits for birthdays, death days, or other anniversaries of loved ones.Maintaining headstones, placing flowers, researching records and recalling stories have been a lifelong-traditions for my family.Carl also was an Eagle Scout in 1978.
Boxes of family records in attics emerged during the COVID lockdown of 2020, which provided the documents for the Mayflower Society as a descendent of passengers John Alden and Priscilla Mullins, approved in 2021.Carl has degrees from the College of San Mateo and Sacramento State College, and a 30+ year career in residential real estate sales.He is active in community and business associations, Realtor boards and committees.