Saturday - Session 7C

2:00 pm - 2:45 pm
British Roots: 4 Colonial Migrations for British Ancestry
Presented by Martha Teeter
British ancestry is often difficult to determine. But knowing where your ancestors first lived in America and their family naming and inheritance patterns can often help one connect back to a particular region of Britain to look for your ancestors. Four colonial British migrations from 1629 to 1775 were migrations of culture that stayed intact for hundreds of years. These can provide us with clues to our British roots.
Session Handout:  Click here.
About Martha Teeter:
Martha Teeter earned her doctorate in chemistry. She has been doing genealogical research for over 50 years, following in the footsteps of her father and brother.  She has loved the ancient ballads of Britain since high school.  Discovery of her New England and Scots-Irish roots led to an interest in cultural migrations.  A retired professor, she has lectured around the world in her scientific discipline and has taught at the UC Davis Medical Center.