Saturday - Session 6B

1:00 pm - 1:45 pm
From Arrest to America
Presented by Elaine Berghausen
"The presenter's father escaped from Nazi Germany after being arrested and interred in a concentration camp.  Using genealogical resources and techniques, she was able to trace his journey from his arrest in Germany to his arrival in America in 1941.
About Elaine Berghausen:
Elaine worked for State of California for over 30 years, for several agencies holding a number of management positions. After retirement, she worked as a consultant to local water districts.
In 2016, Elaine attended her first meeting of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Sacramento.  She learned about the US Customs and Immigration Genealogy Section and “Alien Files” and the records held in the National Archives.  This energized her to begin researching her father’s past. In addition to all the materials accessible online, she has received great assistance from friendly genealogy enthusiasts and archivists here and abroad.  In 2018, she did a “roots” trip through her family’s German towns and was stunned by the voluminous new information she received during her visits, including a 15-foot long print out of the Berghausen family tree created in her grandfather’s home town.