Saturday - Session 5D

11:00 am - 11:45 am
Sneaky Pete
Presented by Dresden Stevens
While the advent of the internet has made connecting with far-flung relatives possible, it also opens up new possibilities for identity theft and other nefarious activities.  The same tool that help researchers discover new family links and share history can open your family up to the Sneak Pete’s of the world.  Learn how to make yourself less of a target without delaying or stopping your research.
Session Handout:  Click here.
About Dresdent Stevens:
Dresden Stevens considers a strong understanding of systems theory to be a key aspect of any sort of prpoblem solving.   With a background in prevention and anthropology, she gets to spend most of her time doing just that, and seeks new ways to use her skills to support the communities she belongs to--including the genealogical community.
In 2011, Dresden co-founded Summit Solutions Consulting.  The company was built around a desire to build a stronger community through strategic development, prevention systems, preparation techniques, and leadership training.
In her spare time, Dresden helps both individuals and societies protect their interests and develop researching strategies that stem from the same data-based systems she uses in her proofessisonal life.